
Godspeed Stuart Wilde, my friend and mentor

This post is a tribute to my old friend Stuart Wilde, who died of a heart attack while on a scenic drive through the Irish countryside on May 1.

They say people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Stuart Wilde came into my life for a season in my mid-twenties and made a huge impact on me. His public persona was often brash, belligerent, even downright offensive. But in person, he was one of the kindest, funniest, most generous and caring people I have ever met.

Me and Stuart Wilde at his house on the NSW south coast
Me and Stuart Wilde at his house on the NSW south coast

It was 1995 and I was a little lost bird, floundering around London, trying to find my feet after having left Australia for the first time. I’d backpacked around South America for three months and landed in London, penniless.

The day after I arrived, I nervously called Stuart Wilde to ask him for a job. THE Stuart Wilde. I was a big New Ager back then and I had read Stuart’s books, like The Quickening, The Trick to Money is Having Some and Affirmations. I loved his wit and irreverence, and he struck me as kind of a Carlos Castaneda crossed with a comedian.

I had met him briefly in Sydney through my employer at the time, Leon Nacson of Hay House — Stuart’s then promoter and close friend. Leon had put in a good word for me and said to call “Stu” when I got to London to see if he had any work going.

On the phone, Stuart said he didn’t have any work for me, but he must have taken pity on the poor lost Aussie girl stranded in London and agreed to meet me at a pub in Notting Hill, just around the corner from his apartment. We had a couple of beers and got along like old mates.

We chatted about South America, and he was fascinated, asking question after question. I told him about the hallucinogenic plants over there, like San Pedro, peyote and ayahuasca. I think it planted a seed for him, because years later he started running spiritual ayahuasca journeys, where he developed new metaphysical insights.

By the end of the conversation he seemed to have taken a shine to me. He told me to come around the next day and I could type up some letters for him. One day’s work turned into two, and soon I was there five days a week.

I converted his spare room into an office and he gave me his cheque book and sent me off to buy a desk. I was amazed he trusted me so quickly, but then, he was incredibly intuitive. I would never have ripped him off and he knew it.

“Don’t buy anything new and ugly,” he said. He would have hated to have a soulless piece of furniture in his house.

I went to a vintage furniture store and came back with a plain, old-fashioned timber desk that he seemed to approve of. Every task he set for me, I carried out in the hope of pleasing him, terrified I would make the wrong move and he’d tell me not to come back. I needed him more than he needed me, but he always made me feel valuable.

Stuart was at the height of his fame then: an author, metaphysician, speaker, music producer, writer, poet. Often I opened his mail to find a letter and a full length photo of an adoring female fan propositioning him.

Stuart was 50 at the time, and in love with a stunning English model. She was into yoga and wanted to go trekking in Nepal and Stu wasn’t into it. He asked me if I’d accompany her on the trek.

“Absolutely, that’s right up my alley!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah well it’s not up my alley,” Stu replied dryly. “I’ll be waiting for you both in the pub.”

The trek never happened, but she was often travelling for work, so Stuart spent many nights at home alone.

Sometimes he would ask me to stay after work and eat dinner with him, because “a man eating dinner on his own is terribly sad, don’t you think?”. He was world famous and very successful, but to me he sometimes seemed lonely.

Other times he would take me out to top London restaurants for dinner, and I could feel snooty eyes on us, wondering what a stylish silver-haired 50-year-old man was doing with a bedraggled 25-year-old dressed head to toe in op-shop clothes.

He did not seem to care in the slightest what I wore to accompany him to the poshest of London restaurants — or if he did, he never said so. He couldn’t give a fuck what people thought of us and he became quite protective of me, demanding the waiter bring me a vegetarian meal immediately, after I’d been served the wrong dish. He made me feel as important as everyone else in the restaurant.

Our work days were filled with writing business letters, checking his stocks, paying bills. New Age gurus have paperwork to do, too. But sometimes he would hand me his cheque book and say something like, “Hon, I have to do a seminar on lucid dreaming next week, go and buy as many books as you can on the subject and write me up some summaries.”

So he would pay me to go shopping for fantastic books, read them for him, and report back to save him some time. And he always paid me handsomely, in cash.

Stuart taught me a lot about money. Not necessarily how to manage it or save it, but how to make it and spend it. How to keep it flowing. He knew I was burdened with a deep poverty mentality and he made it his job to heal me of that. He was one of the most generous people I’ve ever known, and showed me by example what it was like to not have to worry about money, to spend it freely, as if the more I spent, the more I would make.

And for a magical time in my life, working for Stuart Wilde and travelling back and forth between London and South America every six months, I learnt about abundance mentality, and how to live an extraordinary life outside of the status quo. Outside of what he called, ‘tick tock’.

During my second trip to Latin America I became stranded in Panama. I had a Peruvian boyfriend and the immigration officials would not let him cross the border. We were out of money and I had been travelling South and Central America for six months. I called Stuart from Panama and reversed the charges. And of course, he accepted the call.

“Hi Stu, it’s Leigh. I’m stuck in Panama,” I said down a crackling phone line.

“You mean, like the Panama Canal?” he asked.

“Yes, that place. They won’t let us cross the border and I’m out of money and I need to come back to London. Can I come and work for you again?”

“Yes hon, of course. Catch a plane back straight away,” he said without hesitating. “Oh and hon, could you bring some money from Panama back with you please? I’d like to use it for toilet paper.”

That was Stu’s sense of humour. He used it to lift people up from low down places.

During my second stint in London, Stu paid me to live in his beautiful Notting Hill apartment for three months while he did his Warriors Wisdom seminar in Taos, New Mexico. I couldn’t believe my luck at having a luxurious London apartment for free. My main jobs were to water the plants and feed the cat. I forgot to water the plants and they died. I lost the cat on the first day.

When Stuart came back, he wasn’t even mad. I had racked up a phone bill of 1000 pounds (at the time about A$3000), calling South America. He asked me how I was going to pay for it. I told him I’d work it off and all he said was, “Don’t worry about it hon.”

Most days, I worked in the spare room converted to an office, while he worked on his laptop in the loungeroom, cigarette hanging out of his mouth while he wrote furiously, calling out, “Get me a coffee would you hon?”.

Some days he would come into the office and sit on the couch by the window, and we would have long discussions about metaphysics. Or about great thinkers throughout history. Or about aliens. Then he would say, “Stop working hon, let’s order some Indian takeaway and watch a movie,” and we would. Or he’d come in with 20 pounds and send me over the road to buy a box of fine chocolates for us to share. Or he’d invite me and all my crazy Aussie backpacker mates out for pizza and wine and he would always pay the bill.

Every day was a surprise with Stuart. Some days, he would wander his apartment all day, deep in thought, smoking. He would stand his cigarette butts up on the marble mantlepiece, or on pieces of furniture, and leave them there. One time I found a gift I’d given him — a solid Buddha I’d had carved out of amber in Mexico — lying on its side on the mantlepiece, covered in cigarette ash. I brushed it off and sat it back up the right way, but I realised material possessions just weren’t Stuart’s thing. Wealth, yes. Stuff, no.

Some days I would arrive and there would be a house full of his Irish mates, or New Age celebrities like Shakti Gawain, just hanging out in the loungeroom. Other days I’d arrive at 9am and he’d still be asleep. I had my own key, so I would begin working and he’d eventually call out from the bedroom and ask for a coffee, then emerge in his undies, his hair a mess and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He would stand in the doorway of the office, bare belly hanging out, a mischievous grin on his face and wiggle his fingers at me, like a wizard casting a spell. It was his way of having a bit of fun.

Stuart was almost always up for having a bit of fun.

Some days he’d tell me not to disturb him because he was going to meditate. He’d lie on the loungeroom floor and before long, I’d hear him snoring. Later I’d tell him he’d been asleep and he would deny it.

“No hon, I was just in a very deep meditation,” he’d say, in all seriousness. He was the least guru-like guru I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

He’d often say the most outlandish things and I couldn’t tell if he was for real, or if he was drawing on his theatre background and putting on a little show for my entertainment. His teachings were not everyone’s cup of tea. His personality could easily put people off. He seemed to go a little nuts at times, but I will always remember him fondly, because he took me under his wing with such kindness and with a complete and utter absence of judgement, no matter what I did.

We worked closely,  just the two of us in his apartment, and I came to love Stuart Wilde and all his idiosyncrasies. He taught me to stand up for myself, to aim high, to live in the moment and enjoy life to the fullest. For that short time in my life, when I was trying to figure out who I was, he was like a father to me.

Goodbye Stuart, I hope you have now found the answers to all the mysteries you sought to uncover.

Read more about my time working with Stuart Wilde in my 2019 memoir, You Had Me at Hola. You can buy it here on my website or at Amazon, Booktopia, Barnes & Noble, Foyles, Waterstones and Book Depository. Read the reviews here at Goodreads.

88 thoughts on “Godspeed Stuart Wilde, my friend and mentor”

  1. Thanks for the great story, Leigh. What a great experience it must have been for you.
    You are a constant surprise to me, with so many interesting experiences through your life.
    Sorry to read that he is no longer.

    1. This man sound interesting, does anyone know of a video where he tell his life story? I am curious what happen to him after he left school at 15 as he said. what than???
      Thanks in advance for your help…

      1. I don’t know of a documentary about Stu but it would be great. I dont’ know what he did after he left school but I know for a time he was in the theatre, before he got into teaching and writing. Cheers, Leigh

  2. How wonderfully enlightening it was to read this story, Leigh! I used to keep his books by my bedside, and pick them up whenever I felt a little lost, or was in need of a bit of ‘Divine humor’.
    His charisma was obviously catching ,as it seemed to waft up from the pages and kind of shock me out of that ‘tick-tock’ reality which I was questioning at the time.
    What an amazing time in your life it must’ve been! An unforgettable guy he was, indeed.

    1. Thanks Kaz. It’s cool you read some of his books and you know what I mean by ‘tick-tock’. It was a powerful concept of his. Yes he was very charismatic and I felt so lucky to have spent that time with him. Most Aussies go to London and work in bars. I had the good fortune to work for a great teacher who also happened to be a good friend and an awesome boss. I miss him already.

  3. great insight into a great man – oh the worlds we have lived prior to maleny world – thank you for the picture it gave me – peace mr wilson vx

  4. Often when your young you take the generosity of others as a matter of course. The best way to acknowledge this is through the getting of wisdom and sharing it. You have honoured this man Leigh.

  5. Wow leigh what an amazing time in your amazing abundant life .love what you wrote sounds like great stuff for a book .x lindy

  6. so glad to read your story Leigh as i have felt so lost over the last 10 days logging in to stuarts wedsite and no new postings wondering what had happened…you were truly blessed to have spent time with him …Good Luck for the future ..karen

    1. Thanks Karen, yes I found out a few days ago and was so sad all day. I had to write about him to channel those feelings into something positive. All the best x

  7. This is stunning writing as you’ve captured that crazy and sage-ic guy’s nuttiness and made it wise, sympathetic, feeling, generous and emotional all at the same time. Its sometimes very hard to capture someone’s character who has gone and say the things that really acknowledge what made them unique. And do it honestly. You’ve done it well. Love it. Rich

  8. Leigh, Thank you so much for sharing your lovely story of your time with Stuie. How well you tell the story. In ’83, I attended a seminar in NC where he spoke. Hilarious and ethereal, I fell in love with him, his message, following him passionately ever since. Had the absolute joy of interviewing him a couple of x a few yr ago on my radio show and consider it part of my own bucket list. I have his books and even cd’s from long ago. Your story is so delightfully written I felt we were having tea as you narrated your story. Special, indeed. I’ve ‘spoken’ to him every day, for his passing shocked, fully stunned me. Wonder whom he’s making smile in his new world. Namaste, Patty Kovacevich

    1. Hi patty.. yes i speak to him everyday as well he must be very busy.lol..Leigh I wish I had been in ur shoes. I saw him in 86 he tried to talk to me but at that stage I thought anything like that was over the top..so i had a chance and blew it with my ignorance at the time..a yr later I woke up and fell for him like millions did

  9. you are a very fortunate woman, when the student is ready the teacher shows up. Stuart was an amazing teacher and even though I only saw him 3 times at workshops in Vegas since 2007, I was so impressed with his wit wisdom and clear seeing of the world and the cosmos. Thanks for sharing your beautiful intimate details of life with Stuie. I know he is only 18 inches away now and I have been dreaming about him. Blessings to you

  10. Kevin Scribner

    I just found out a few minutes ago after wondering why Stuart wasn’t posting in the last few days. Wow, a big shock. One of the great ones. More than most know I believe. Thanks for sharing your memories. One of my goals was to have a beer with him. I guess that’ll have to wait.

  11. Leigh great stuff. My relationship with Stu was very different. I disagreed with 99% of what he said or wrote but the 1% was worth every other teacher combined. He always chatted online with me(all day once) and we had some good q and a’s at meetings. I once scowled at him in London and he looked back and I’m sure he thought I was CIA. Over 25 years he riled me, foxed me and I really didn’t like him much for 24.9 of those years. But I also got more from him than any other teacher. In London one night at the London Folk Museum he stormed off stage after 10 minutes of mostly insults and the audience nearly broke the place up trying to get a refund. I just breezed past the lot of them knowing that I’d ride the energy for six months at least. I think he got lost around the time he wrote God’s Gladiators which I see as a messianic wrong turn. There are however 10 pages on archetypes in the sixth sense that I use every single day of my life and that book sits on my desk and at home. The Quickening remains a work of genius. Of course if anyone agrees with my criticism of him I’ll knock their teeth out.

    1. LOL, that one made me laugh. He was such a contradictory character. Extremely sweet sometimes and insulting other times. But he was never insulting to me, and that’s the Stu I remember. I did witness him being pretty rude to other people, however. When I worked for him he was starting to get right into aliens and getting me to check up his nose for probes, which I thought was pretty weird. I didn’t get into his really out there teachings, but the real self-empowerment stuff I thought was brilliant. Thanks for writing.

  12. Leigh how lucky you were ! I met Stuart last September, on my birthday 🙂 at the gathering in Las Vegas. After reading all his books for the past few years… I came to the conclusion he was a unique soul as soon as I shake his hands… and of course after listening to him… I had the privilege to talk to him for a few minutes. He told me about his trip to South America and his Aya experience….I told him I was from Peru and he immediately told me about his trip to pucallpa my hometown in the peruvian jungle. I asked him to autograph some of my books. And he did while he told me about his fantastic trip to Peru. Just found out he passed, sad to hear it. I’ll miss reading his pots, love his writings, but his legacy will live on and his light will shine even brighter now ! Namaste !

    1. Hi Laura, I was completely obsessed with Peru when I first met Stuart, so I used to talk to him about it all the time. I had a Peruvian boyfriend and kept travelling back and forth between South American and London. I lived in Callao, Lima with my boyfriend’s family but we were artisans and travelled most of the time. I would love to go back some day, it’s such an amazing place. Thanks for your comment. Lx

      1. Leigh, I hope you get to go back to my beautiful country Peru someday and if you do, go to the amazon. I got lots of family there. Stuart liked the peruvian jungle 🙂 he told me once, he thought there was some kind of spiritual magic in that place.

  13. Hi Laura, I’m sure I’ll go back some day. I did go to the Amazon in Bolivia and Brazil, but not Peru. I travelled the whole east coast of Peru though, as well as Cuzco and Arequipa. Nazca was amazing too. I agree there is spiritual magic in Peru… I am writing a novel about my experiences. I hope I actually finish it!

  14. Stuart Wilde had a massive impact on my life. I was 25 years old, and in the final year of my Arts degree in Oxford. I’d been reading Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, Christian mysticism, and practicing meditation every day, since about the age of 20. I was a burnt out, disillusioned raver/hedonist, who’d lost the plot, and forgotten who he was. I had been living as a hermit at university, in my own isolated, mad and mellow little world. I didn’t like the outside world, very much, at all. People perplexed me, and I’m sure I perplexed them. Then I came across a paragraph in a New Age book catalogue, about Stuart, and something clicked. A doorway opened, a huge one, and I walked through it. I took many of his ideas to heart, and practiced many of his concepts, including walking through the woods in the dark before dawn. I did it for a year, and my life changed, completely. Spending time in nature alone, eating hi-energy natural food, using affirmations, and combining these practices with my other interests like running, climbing, martial arts and philosophy.. produced a whole load of new energy.. that had been trapped in my subconscious for too long. Stuart taught me to engage with the ‘life-force’. I saw him as a mad wizard, a post-modern mystic, shaman, rebel, and fearless free thinker. He expressed many of what felt like my own unexpressed feelings and perceptions. I had a love/hate relationship with Stuart. I bought his books many times, and threw them away, many times… as I’m sure many people did. Perhaps his readership wasn’t that large, after all :o) I drifted away from his teachings for a time, but always kept one eye on him. then I followed him quite intensely, after the September 11 attacks, as the world went dark, and he seemed to carrying a blazing torch.. down some of the murkiest of corridors. I nearly went to several of his seminars, after I left the UK for Thailand, in 2007 (where I am still living now) but unfortunately I never got to meet him, in person. I’ve had times in my life where Stuart felt close.. almost as though he was watching me. I was sad to hear of his recent passing, and immediately regretted not making more of an effort to meet him in Amsterdam, last year. I heard he was travelling in Asia, earlier this year.. so I wrote him an email, asking him to meet me, in a bar here in Bangkok, for a beer and a chat. But he never replied. I loved Stuart.. for all that he was – Good, Bad, Light, Dark, Ugly, Beautiful, Mad and Wonderful. As well as being surprisingly funny.. of course. A merry scamp and spiritual warrior, crossed over.. perhaps a little early.. but even his crossing seemed full of life, and poetry. His light went out on Faire day, on the Isle of magic, that he loved so much. God blessed Stuart Wilde, and he in turn, blessed many a lost soul. You’re sorely missed, my friend, and mentor, from afar

    1. Wow, thanks for sharing that Will. He seemed to have a similar effect on lots of people — inspiring them to change, but then repelling them. I think he was wary of people seeing him as an all-powerful guru so he wouldn’t hesitate to offend people so they didn’t get too attached! Most of all, I loved his humour. He was hilarious. Cheers, Leigh

  15. Stuart, was very important in my life…remember a friend of mine..introduce me to some of his tapes…in 1986..I was drawn to his teachings..it gave me inner strength…I have all his books..since my wife passed away 7 months…his teachinghas help so much..through the hard times..thank you for the wonderful story. I’m going to miss my teacher….what wonderful person Charles Peake

  16. Hello Leigh. Thanks for your funny and poignant article about Stuart. It was good to get your perspective on him and particularly from around the late 90’s which somehow feel very important. I first met Stuart in Brazil 2005, he was at the bus stop in Ilheus awaiting the next batch of ayahuasca explorers with his then partner and Ralph Miller. As soon as we saw each other it felt like we knew one other..I can only describe it as a sort of recognition somehow. Over the next couple of days we spoke a little but seemed more to check each other out, my intention was just to do ayahuasca and have a nice time in Brazil the fact that this ‘guru’ character was there was a sort of a bonus, my friend was a fan and I’d just read god’s gladiators on her recommendation. Based on his writing he came across as funny, insightful, offensive and way out there. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Stuart and to be honest I wasn’t really that interested in him…I wanted the beach, sea and aya! On the first night of ceremony, late into the warm brazilian evening I remember getting up and softly stumbling around, I noticed on the floor about 10 feet from me and leant up in a heap against a day bed was Stuart. He was dressed black jeans, black t shirt and black blazer. He was on his knees but somehow collapsed into himself, sweating profusely, breathing heavily and generally looking pretty fucked. I looked at him for a moment or two and just felt this immense outpouring of love for him. I’d never felt this before, but it was so real and so strong. In that moment I saw his humanity, beauty and vulnerability. I just knew I was going to ‘watch his back’ and make sure he was ok. I walked straight over to him staring directly at him and knelt down, held his head in my hands and kissed him on his sweaty forehead. He was so fucked he couldn’t even look up but just mumbled ‘Thankyou Bro’. I was from that instant that we became brothers. Over the next couple of days we talked and laughed a lot, at one point he asked me where in London I grew up and I replied ‘Erith’. He looked at me quizzically and asked whether it was a wealthy place and I replied ‘Nah bro, it’s a shithole’. We both burst out laughing and this seemed to cement our connection.

    I’ll stop here as I can keep going for pages. I just wanted to share a small part of my experience with Stuart. He taught me so much. Godspeed bro. Thankyou for everything you are and everything you’ve shared.


    1. Hi Sarbs, thanks so much for sharing that story. You painted a very vivid picture and I can really imagine Stu in that state and being so appreciative for your loving kindness. I can also imagine him getting a kick out of you saying the place you grew up was a shithole. He liked people who were real like that. Cheers, Leigh

  17. Thank you for this lovely piece. Years ago I did the Warrior’s Workshop in Perth with Stuart and I found him exactly as you described him. The adjective I was left with after the weekend was ‘kind’. I have a similar photograph of Stuart with me and I always treasure the short time I had in his company. I was saddened to read of his death today. He left a great legacy around the world. And yes – he may not have been everyone’s cup of tea, but the man I met was kind, dynamic and a real gent.

      1. coolismoscottSi(mon)

        Josephine I read your note and heartily join in the sentiment. I must take exception thought to your remark that Stuart was not “everyone’s cup of tea.” In my experience he was not everyone’s six Harvey Wallbangers and a brandy chaser. Wink.

  18. Thanks Leigh for providing this insight into the ‘real’ Stuie – a side I suspected existed, but didn’t know for sure. You’re a very lucky lady. I was just thinking, it must have been weird for him when he met people for the first time at events, and saw ‘that look’ in their eyes. The ‘wow, you’re THE guru’ look. So with that, along with his own shadow side he/we all grapple with, I’m not surprised he sometimes went a bit ‘wilde’.

    A friends mum introduced me to ‘Miracles’ way back in the day. 1989 I think it was…I love ‘Sixth Sense’…and recently I bought his ‘healing cards’ and suggested to a friend in Ireland to go to one of his healings, which he much enjoyed. Also, along with others I’ve much enjoyed his blog…even the ‘dark’ stuff which was educational in itself…although he mentioned a number of times, if he wrote what he really wanted to write about the dark side that he was encountering, it would freak most of us out…

    On that…2 questions I have, if you’d be so kind to try and answer them best you can…1. What do you think ignited his inner drive to start expressing his thoughts on the dark side – was it connected to Aya’ and what he saw…what it opened up for him…or something else? 2. His ‘team’ that he worked with in the Aluna to go fight the Reptillian forces…does that team still exist/work together…and how are they progressing with ‘the fight’…do you know?

    1. One of the reasons I liked Stu was for his shadow side. He taught about love and self-empowerment but he was far from perfect and wasn’t afraid to show it. He wasn’t a holier-than-thou guru who thought he was more enlightened than everyone else. He seemed to revel in his shadow side sometimes. Stu started his blog years after I worked with him and I liked some of what he wrote, found some of it hilarious, some of it very weird and hard to believe. The whole dark side thing and the aluna and the aya all emerged years after I worked for him, too. When I was with him he was definitely interested in dark forces and how to combat them, but he was still more into his self-empowerment stuff than the dark stuff. He was getting into aliens and asking me to check up his nose for ball bearings, which was kind of out there. I sensed he was starting to want to explore more weird and wonderful stuff and move in new directions. I think the aya really opened a lot of that up for him, but I wasn’t around at that stage. So sorry, I can’t answer anything about his fights with the dark forces. All I know is that I think he fought with his own dark forces a lot, but he also had an incredible light that he shone out into the world and it touched a lot of people.

  19. Good evening

    Pls where can i get his books here in london.hay house seems to be out of stock and waterstones have only two or three titles.



  20. Nice story. I’m sure he had his decent side. He died in a hospital in Dublin (St. Columcille’s). They probably pulled him out of a pub first though.

  21. I have to say I have been on this journey to find my higher self for about a year. I recently fell upon Stuart Wilde’s teachings while you tubing binural rhythms. It was one of the best accidents that I have ever had. I listen to all of his teachings on YouTube faithfully. Answers have been provided to me that I always thought that I was crazy about feeling. I now see better and look at everything differently. I wish that I knew of him before he ascended just to thank him I the physical. One day I will thank him in another dimension. I would like to thank you for signing off on what a burst of light that I feel as if he was in the physical. U have been blessed by the best young lady. Thx u for ur story. It brought life and character to the only teacher that I know. Abundant high energy ligh Blessings to you. And once again thank u. Peace

  22. Hi Leigh,
    That was a lovely epitaph of someone who has influenced my philosophy on life and I only yesterday found out that he had died over a year ago. For this I am very sad. I bought his books in the 1990s, as he was the only New Age writer who seemed to make any sense. And his sense of humour in his writings was wicked (on more realities than one). I made taoism the basis of my philosophy of life also. I dropped spirituality a long time ago pending the birth of my son, however, my son had a condition which change my outlook on life. He’s cured now and it;s no longer life threatening. the first few years were a nightmare though and I forgot about spirUality however I also knew that i would get through it and the only thing that kept me going was an unaltering belief in the god force that Stuart talked about to the exclusion of almost everything else. I knew that my son would survive (this was not a believing where doubt is also present but knowing – my son will be fine and I had a lot of energy taken away from me but, for my child, it was worth it and I would gladly have given my own life which I offered upto universal law but it wasn’t taken. I;ve heard things said about Stuart over the internet about him being a fraud, a drunkard, chainsmoker. a drug abuser,and a womaniser – nothing that I’ve heard does he say in his writings insn’t permitted. He talks about evolution of the individual and maybe it is your evolution to drink alcohol often, maybe it is your evolution to take drugs, maybe it is to smoke If this is true trom Stuart’s wrtings from day 1, he’s lived his life as he has told others’to live theirs’ in his books. To his evolutionary mind “I;ve done everything that I set nout to do”
    Stuart did leave a good piece of advice in his writings and it’s a piece of advice that i will always be grateful for – and it is – always question the spirits that you contact, are they congruent with what they are saying, with who they are ornwho you expect them to be, spirits can also telll lies and part of Stuart’s legacy is that he knew this and wanted the world to know it too.

    Goodbye Stuart Wilde – you will be always in my heart and soul.

    Gary Young

    1. Thanks Gary. Yes Stuart was a lot of things but if anything, he was pretty honest about who he was. I don’t remember him pretending to be anything other than himself. Which is what I liked most about him. Thanks for your comment.

  23. Leon introduced me to stu too, I used to hang with him at Tolemac down the coast from Sydney. Whatever happened to Tolemac? I wonder where Stu is now hey?

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